Health and safety

Main page / Sustainable development / Health and safety

Occupational safety is a top priority at Zapadnaya Group. We take it seriously and have a set of preventive measures in place to protect the life, health, and social guarantees of our personnel in remote work sites and challenging climatic conditions.

✔️Industrial safety is our top concern. We have a dedicated HSE service headed by chief engineers, with the cooperation of all responsible managers in the divisions of our enterprises. We collect and analyze information on accidents, incidents, work stoppages, accidents and other incidents at all production facilities of the enterprises promptly, with a frequency of a week, month or year.

✔️The Zapadnaya Group of Companies is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees and reducing accidents and injuries at its enterprises. To this end, special labour assessments and the identification of hazards with an assessment of occupational risks were carried out. Based on the results of these assessments, additional measures have been taken to reduce harmful production factors, including aerosols, noise, vibration, the severity of the production process, and more.

✔️All managers and specialists are regularly certified by Rostechnadzor and accredited occupational safety centres. Engineers and technicians upgrade their qualifications by type of activity.

✔️All hazardous production facilities of the enterprise are insured annually, and agreements on their emergency rescue services are concluded with professional services.

✔️The mining facilities of the enterprises have administrative and accommodation complexes, equipped gyms, medical centres, comfortable dormitories, television, Internet, cellular communication, and a set of measures to improve them is regularly implemented.

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