Social responsibility

Main page / Sustainable development / Social responsibility

✔️Zapadnaya works collaboratively with local communities and provides support at the regional level. Our goal is to have a positive impact on the development of the territories where we operate.

✔️According to the company's management, a corporate social responsibility should consist of real deeds for the benefit of the region and its residents. We participate in the life of the regions of presence by supporting housing and utility services sector, assisting cultural and sports events execution, constructing Orthodox churches and donating to support their activities, providing assistance to veterans, orphanages and schools, supporting and helping the participants of the Special Military Operation.

✔️Total expenses for charity in the Group of Companies for 2022 amounted to more than 20 million rubles.

✔️We built several churches and chapels in Ust-Nera, Taksimo and Davenda settlements, at the Badran and Kedrovsky mines. Total construction costs amounted to more than 50 million rubles.

✔️Also, agreements on social and economic partnership and cooperation concluded with local administrations allow us to contribute to the development of local communities. As an employer, we provide employment opportunities for the local population at our production facilities; we contribute to the development of the economy of the regions where we operate in every possible way.

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